As a part of the FDL Helpful Links, you can find local professionals in East Baton Rouge Parish that play an important part when buying and selling Real Estate. Such as appraisers, home inspectors, termite inspectors, real estate photographers, etc. Phone numbers, email addresses, and website links are listed for your convenience.
Barnett Appraisal Services, Inc.
Phone: 225-937-7506
Email: b-a-s@cox.net
Website: www.barnettappraisalsvcs.com
MNP Residential
Phone: 225-278-0187
Email: nick.poor@yahoo.com
Website: www.mnpresidentialappraisals.com
L Smith Real Estate Group
Phone: 225-388-9002
Email: leonardpsmith2@cox.net
Website: www.lsmithrealestategroup.com
Home Inspectors
Advanced Building Inspections
Email: spencer@batonrougeinspection.com
Website: www.batonrougeinspection.com
A-Pro Home Inspection Baton Rouge
Phone: 225-663-1772
Website: http://homeinspectionbatonrouge.org/
HDMK Home Inspection
Phone: 888-401-4365
Email: service@HDMK.net
Website: https://www.hdmk.net/east-baton-rouge/
Pest Inspectors
Dugas Pest Control
Phone: 225-291-3511
Website: https://dugaspestcontrol.com/
Arrow Termite & Pest Control
Phone: 225-751-8900
Website: https://www.arrowtermiteandpestcontrol.com/baton-rouge-pest-control-2/
J&J Exterminating-Baton Rouge
Phone: 225-756-2444
Website: https://www.jjext.com/locations/baton-rouge-pest-control
Home Stagers
Stage Presence
Phone: 225-571-7627
Email: stagepresence4u@gmail.com
Website: http://stagepresence4u.com/
M. B. Smith Design
Phone: 225-485-4406
Website: http://www.mbsmithdesign.net/
Real Estate Photographers
Joey Bordelon Photography
Phone: 225-366-9314
Website: http://www.joeybordelon.com/
Zack Tullier Photography
Phone: 225-320-2526
Website: https://www.batonrougevideographer.com/